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Wellbright Model
Creating Optimum Environment for Holistic Development of Every Child
Creating Optimum Environment
- Providing schools with a well-developed multi-layered system to enhance learning and improve mental and emotional health of students and personnel.
- Developing campus-specific plan and timetable to implement the Wellbright Model.
- Providing trainings, resources, tools, and expertise to optimize school’s functions, improve school culture, students’ performance, and parental engagement.

Optimum Environment for Holistic Development
The Wellbright Model creates the optimum environment for student development. All components of the model are designed by experts based on best school practices and a vast body of research.
- Mental and emotional well-being are the first priority, otherwise no true learning (or teaching) are possible.
- Teachers and parents work together in a meaningful collaboration, acting as vital role models for students.
- Neurodiversity is understood, respected, and embraced.
- Respect and appreciation for teachers are an integral part of the school culture.
- Students are designers of their dream life and therefore co-creators of their learning.

Holistic Development of Every Child
The concept of “holistic development” is at the core of Wellbright model.
Wellbright schools recognize the importance and inter-connectedness of mental, emotional and physical well-being. This is ingrained in school culture and actively integrated in school functioning: optimizing master schedule, providing meaningful instructional interventions, creating space, time, and techniques for relaxation and restoration, supporting personal growth and social development of all involved – students, teachers, staff, and parents.
Adopting Wrllbright Model allows schools to meet every student at where they are, understanding their mental, social, emotional, and physical needs, providing opportunities for age-appropriate learning and personal growth.

School Culture Solutions
Mental health and emotional wellbeing are pre-requisite to school safety and academic achievement.
1. Assessment of school climate and culture: the Wellbright assessment protocol uncovers the biggest challenges and opportunities for school culture improvement.
2. Develop action plan to involve staff, teachers, students, and parents: the action plan can include establishing new practices, rules, and events to promote open communication, family engagement, teacher appreciation, and more. Wellbright brings strategies to grow self-awareness, self-regulation, and promote compassion to create a positive environment.
3. Create space for relaxation and decompression: Wellbright Rooms are professionally designed “Zen spaces” utilizing cutting-edge technology of sound healing, creative visualizations, meditations, nature, and music therapy.
4. Educate school leaders and inspire teachers: improving school culture and climate starts with leaders, their personality, leadership style, communication skills, confidence, and competence. Wellbright workshops equip leaders with conceptual understanding and practical knowledge on how to optimize crucial aspects of school culture.
5. Increase family involvement: Wellbright helps schools create meaningful opportunities for families to engage with school and build a supportive school climate. This can include live-remote personal development classes for families, Q&A webinars with pediatricians, psychologists, life-coaches, and neuro-development specialists. This helps parents make educated decisions and grow the culture of care.
6. Create student support system: Wellbright allows students to develop their leadership and communication skills through the student ambassador program, which builds a sense of belonging, connectedness, and social responsibility.

Hiring and Retention Solutions
Our schools are as good as our teachers.
Teacher Hiring Solutions
Our innovative teacher staffing approach focuses on harnessing the fresh perspectives and dynamic energy of recent graduates and final semester students from bachelor’s degree programs. This approach not only brings a contemporary outlook to education but also sets the stage for these young educators to become relatable role models for their students. Their close age proximity and recent academic experiences allow them to connect deeply with students, fostering a more empathetic and engaging classroom environment.
Before entering the classroom, these educators undergo a comprehensive training program, grounded in the latest educational research and global best practices. This not only prepares them for the practical aspects of teaching but also equips them with evidence-based strategies for holistic child development and student-centered learning.
Our commitment extends to ongoing mentoring and coaching, ensuring that each educator is supported in their professional journey, allowing them to realize their full potential. By doing so, we are not just staffing schools; we are cultivating a new generation of confident, competent teachers who are excited about shaping the future of education.
Teacher Retention Solutions
Teachers spend a significant amount of time in school, therefore their thoughts and feelings about the school environment have a great impact on the quality of their lives. Wellbright consultants assess school climate and develop a customized action plan to improve it. The plan can include creating new practices, rules, allowing opportunities for educators’ voices to be heard. Wellbright provides strategies to incorporate educators’ values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives, knowledge, and expertise into school decision-making.
Teachers with proper training have more confidence, competence, and effectiveness. It is not the quantity of training but rather its quality that matters most. Since most of Wellbright workshops are live and remote, Vedara is able to bring the best speakers/experts from across the country to train current or prospect educators.
Show your teachers that you truly care by making teacher and staff wellness a priority. Vedara has great ideas and turnkey implementations for your school/district.
a) Wellbright Rooms, “Zen-like” spaces which come with cutting-edge technology of sound healing and relaxation.
b) Wellbright provides teachers a means of quickly achieving deep relaxation via creative visualizations and meditations amplified with binaural beats. This can be easily used in teacher’s lounges and at home.
c) Wellbright offers live-remote confidential/anonymous 1:1 healing or counselling sessions for teachers and/or their family members.
Students’ parents/caregivers are the most important partners for teachers. Wellbright helps schools create meaningful opportunities for families to engage with the school and each other: live-remote personal development classes for families; organizing in-person events; providing parents with resources on improving parenting skills; arranging live-remote Q&A webinars with pediatricians, psychologists, life-coaches, and neuro-development specialists.
What's the Cost of Teacher Turnover in Your District?

Family Engagement Solutions
Wellbright emphasizes the importance of positive and meaningful relationships between schools and families. Parents and teachers are vital role models for student success and preparation for a fulfilling life.
A student’s home environment is the primary setting where learning is established, and parental involvement in school activities supports student academic outcomes. The more engaged parents are in the school, the more positive the school climate is.
Wellbright helps schools create meaningful opportunities for families to engage with school and build a supportive school environment.
1. Establishing open communication and transparency in all school functions. Parents/caregivers can attend the same live-remote workshops offered to teachers, ask questions, and express concerns.
2. Classes and Information Sessions for Parents: parents are invited to develop their personal interests via live-remote classes and group healing sessions. Wellbright offers educational and experiential sessions on a variety of topics, ranging from nutrition, to crafts, to Flamenco dance therapy. Parents are encouraged to attend webinars with Q&A sessions with pediatricians, psychologists, life-coaches, and neurodevelopment specialists. This helps parents get additional guidance in parenting and shape educated decisions.
3. “Principles of Happy Parenting” tutorials: Wellbright offers video tutorials for parents called Principles of Happy Parenting which covers common challenges and how to best support student development and growth.
4. Additional Staff Support: Wellbright aims to have a dedicated staff member responsible for family connection, to keep relationships with parents active and productive.

Student Wellness Solutions
Student mental health and emotional wellbeing is at the core of the Wellbright Model.
There is a vast body of research describing all factors that impact the wellbeing of children and adolescents. From this, Wellbright designed evidence-based solutions and puts them into action.
1. Re-designing master schedule to allow more time for physical activities, socializing, rest, and outdoor time.
2. Professional development for school leaders and teachers on how to build a culture of wellness and modify school functions and
instruction to nurture physical, mental, and emotional health.
3. Live-remote workshops for teachers and parents covering a wide range of topics: self-regulation, the impact of trauma, foundations of ageappropriate needs and behavior, importance of proper nutrition, improving quality of sleep, and more.
4. Wellbright Rooms are professionally designed “Zen spaces” utilizing cutting-edge technology of sound healing, creative visualizations, meditations, nature, and music therapy.
5. Live-remote classes for students and parents that teach relaxation techniques, stress management, self-awareness, confidence, and more.

Student Engagement Solutions
Students coming to school does not mean they are learning. There needs to be internal and external motivation for students to learn, and there are evidence-based ways to engage them in the learning process.
Numerous studies confirm the importance of increasing student motivation. Student engagement not only leads to higher academic success, but also has significant positive effects on student life satisfaction and mental health. Higher student motivation is associated with better attitudes towards school and learning, increased self-efficacy, prosocial behavior, and ethical judgment.
1. Professional development for teachers
Workshops facilitated by carefully selected trainers and speakers give teachers and instructional leaders conceptual understanding, practical knowledge, and strategies to maximize student engagement and motivation.
2. Classes for parents
Live-remote classes for parents taught by psychologists, educators, and childhood development specialists provide recommendations and suggestions on how to increase their children’s curiosity and interest in learning.
3. Enjoyable activities for students and the Wellbright student ambassador program
It is important to create opportunities where students can exercise their competence in what they enjoy, learn more about their favorite subjects, do more arts, sports, etc. Wellbright allows students to develop their leadership and communication skills through the student ambassador program, which builds a sense of belonging, connectedness, and meaningful development.

Professional Development
Carefully selected teacher-experts offer meaningful trainings and workshops that will never feel like a waste of time. We teach skills, provide tools and materials which are ready to be implemented in classroom or at home.
Samples of workshops are below.
90 – 120 minutes
Presented by Deborah McNelis M.Ed
In this workshop, teachers learn about the latest research on how the brain learns and gain practical tools to create a “neuro-nurturing classroom.” By implementing the principles of the Neuro-Nurturing Circle of Potential Model helps teachers to maximize their students’ learning potential in a natural and effective way. Teachers walk away with practical strategies to support student growth and development.
90 minutes
Presented by Deborah McNelis M.Ed
The human brain is an amazing organ that allows each of us to think, feel and act. The brain systems that regulate those activities are primarily shaped by experience. This enlightening presentation provides you with a very easy way to understand the overview of brain development basics, from birth through adulthood. Your audience will be amazed at how much more they understand about how the brain impacts behavior and learning in school and in everyday life. They will also delight in how fun it is to learn through the engaging way that Deborah presents.
90 -120 minutes
Presented by Deborah McNelis M.Ed
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The brain learns from what we pay attention to. This thought-provoking experience looks at how the brain affects behavior. With the realizations the audience gains through this presentation, eye opening ways to have a positive impact on behavior and self-perception will be learned and will positively influence a new mindset. It is a perfect keynote to kick off an event where participants will be challenged to think differently, to be open for new opportunities. Deborah will adapt the presentation specifically for your audience or type of learning session needed. Perfect for teachers, school leaders, and parents.
60 minutes
Presented by Coco Cabrel, MD
Being an educator is hard. Really hard. Long hours beyond the bell, little pay to stretch beyond the basics. We do it ‘cause we love it, we love seeing that lightbulb above a student’s head (yes, even if it’s just one). But how can we get ourselves out of the dark, lonely moments – those times when we want to quit when it feels too hard? Dr. Coco has been there so many times over her 30 years as an educator and department chair in the health sciences. She knows the hardship of feeling overworked and underpaid. As a professional Flamenco dancer/choreographer, she has worked with the masters of masters – and she has received the ancient Flamenco tradition that very specifically created beauty and strength out of hardship and oppression. She provides for you carefully curated and delivered movements that have withstood the test of time to dig deep into frustrations and come up with uplifting solutions – so you can feel refreshed to move onward and upward for yourself and your students.
Q&A follows – Learn even more about these traditional movements in the context of history as well as how you can learn from the past to make your present better. And that’s a bonus for the future of your students.
120 minutes
Presented by Ambika Devi
Everything can be measured with a specific vibration including sound, light, and color. For centuries cultures have used sound to change the energy of groups and to gather focus. Discussion of sound techniques and demonstration of hands-on processes using participants own voices. Learn the power of harnessing primordial sound as a tool to clear the mind and to induce physiological and psychological changes. This workshop cites scientific studies on the power of sound with takeaway experiments to conduct with groups of students.

Personal Growth
Personal development can have a significant impact on quality of life by making life more interesting, enjoyable, and fulfilling. When children see that their parents and teachers continue to learn and grow, they are more likely to value learning themselves. It helps to promote a lifelong learning mindset that will benefit them in their personal and professional lives. By modeling the importance of personal growth, adults can inspire their children to invest in themselves and achieve their full potential.
Samples of workshops are below.
This 3-class series reveals medicinal properties of spices, teas, and food. Insightful, practical, and affordable solutions for common problems. Great for community building, arranging events related to healthy food/meals, raising funds, partnering with neighboring businesses, etc.
Taught by MD and professional choreographer, participants experience Flamenco dance as a fun physical exercise and also a therapy to reduce stress and re-energize. Class duration can be adjusted to school needs:
8 – 60 minutes classes.
Suitable for all levels, these 15 – 40 minutes classes improve muscle flexibility, balance, posture, helps with weight loss, provides cardiovascular benefits, reduces stress, and more. These live remote classes can be scheduled in the morning, evening, during school day or on weekend or be a part of a summer program. They can be attended from school or home and be a meaningful way to build and strengthen community relationships.
This series of workshops/classes dives into hidden layers of human psychology and reveals what shapes our interests, spark motivations, and drives actions.
Available for students, teachers, and parents in separate groups.
- Students learn how knowing their personality can help in choosing a career and making friends.
- Teachers explore how personalities of students affect their learning and define their attitudes. Teachers also learn how their own personality shapes their teaching style, what strengths and drawbacks these can bring about.
- Classes for parents help them look into their parental patterns of behavior, reveal causes of conflicts and misunderstanding with their children.
Presented by an expert in neurodevelopment, this workshop reveals how social interactions and relationships impact the way our brain functions and learns. Participants gain valuable insights in how to increase student learning capabilities.
This workshop explores how colors and shapes impact human behavior and the home environment. The intentional use of color and shape can reduce stress and enhanceoverall sense of calm and balance.
This class is insightful, inspirational, and practical. Parents and caregivers of small children discover the ways they can greatly contribute to their child success starting from day 1 of the child’s life.

Group and 1:1 Healing Sessions
Group healing sessions are delivered in live remote format. They can be attended by teachers, staff, and parents.
Samples of group healing sessions:
Expressing emotions through colors and shapes. This experiential workshop and a healing session is a guided journey to self-discovery, help heal trauma, and reduce stress. It equips participants with an easily accessible and powerful healing technique.
Presented by a medical doctor, educator, and a professional Flamenco choreographer, participants learn why and how Flamenco dance is a powerful therapeutic method.
The healing sessions, conducted by a sound healer, allow participants experience different vibrations to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Sound healing is based on two principles: 1. different emotions vibrate at different levels, and 2. blocked or unexpressed emotions are the main causes of health problems.
Qigong healing classes have both psychological and physical components and involve the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture.
One on One Healing and Counseling Sessions
Conducted by carefully-selected wellness professionals and life coaches, these 1:1 sessions help teachers and/or their family members to overcome a wide variety of life hardships: burnout, depression, anxiety, grief, relationship issues, addictions, financial insecurity and more.

Wellbright Room
Vedara creates a space on school campuses which promotes relaxation, contemplation, and emotional balance. Typical capacity of one room is 30 people.
In order for these Wellbright Rooms to be effective in creating soothing ambiance, numerous subtle elements must be thoughtfully incorporated. They include sounds, colors, shapes, lighting, and more. With Vedara’s Wellbright Rooms, schools gain access to professionally created sound therapy, music therapy, meditations and guided visualizations specifically tailored for schools.
Vedara takes care of all elements, supplies furniture, meditation cushions, décor, and executes all work including painting, adjusting lighting, installing screen(s) and speakers.
To execute this project, Vedara incorporates services of professional interior designers, world leading experts in sound therapy, carefully selected wellness specialists, yoga and meditation instructors.
Once installed, Wellbright Rooms can provide immediate mental relief, decrease stress, behavior problems, anxiety, and promotes the atmosphere of safety and calm.

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